Privacy Policy

This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnoses, treatment or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advise, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional. 

Confidentiality Policy

It is the policy of Chasing Health that board members and employees and volunteers of Chasing Health will not disclose confidential information belonging to,  or obtained through their affiliation with Chasing Health to any person,  including their relatives ,  friends and business and professional associates,  unless  Chasing Health has authorized disclosure. This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure where disclosure is required by law. 

Board members, volunteers and employees are cautioned to demonstrate professionalism, good judgement, and care to avoid unauthorized or inadvertent disclosures of confidential information and should for example, refrain from leaving confidential information contained in documents or on computer screens in plain view. 

Upon separation of employment and at the end of a board member’s term, he or she shall return, all documents, papers and other materials, that may concern confidential information.

Failure to adhere to this policy will result in discipline, up to and including separation of employment or service with Chasing Health.